
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Merry Monday Christmas Challenge: My Favorite

I was organizing the past Christmas this morning - (yes, I organize everything!).  I was marking off who we sent cards to, who we received cards from, checking return addresses to make sure I had everything right, etc. When my family is finally up today, we will take down the tree and eat the last of the Christmas cookies.  The season is over and it's time to think ahead to the new year.

While I was reviewing everything, I decided to link up to the Merry Monday challenge which is to pick my favorite Christmas card of 2016.  (Besides, my first Christmas card of 2016 was for Merry Monday so I thought I'd end the year with a link to Merry Monday!  LOVE you guys - thanks for all of your inspiration!!)

I thought it would be hard to decide, but I found it right away.  There was only one card that I did in multiples, partly because it was clean, simple and fresh, but mainly because it had exactly the right message for the season!

TE Nativity Scene

All of the details can be found on the original post here.


  1. This is perfect, I love it Kim!! Happy New Year and enjoy those cookies today!!

  2. ADORE this, Kim!! My favorite word and a beautiful rendition of the true meaning of Christmas :) Wishing you a fabulous year ((hugs))!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my card! I do get spam comments so your comment will be held until I read it and release it!