
Monday, June 10, 2024

52 Christmas Card Throwdown: Golden Trees

It's June and I suddenly realized that I hadn't done a single Christmas card this year. Since I was already having an enjoyable and productive cardmaking session, I figured it was time to get started. And as luck would have it, the color challenge at 52 Christmas Card Throwdown inspired me to pull out this Tree Pattern Cover Plate, a variety of green dsps and quite quickly, I have my first card of the season!

Hero Arts Tree Pattern

This is the Hero Arts Tree Pattern Cover Plate. I love the forest of trees. My original plan for it was a rainbow of color, but the challenge sent me to just green - so the die can't leave my not-yet-used stash until I've done my rainbow. The sentiment is from Paper Rose and I picked it because it was bold and chunky but it didn't cover many of the trees.The green is Stampin' Up's Garden Green which has been a long-time color for them and since I've also been around a long time, I knew I'd have dsp to match. 

Thanks to 52 Christmas Card Throwdown for the inspiration!


Dies: Hero Arts Tree Pattern Cover Plate, Paper Rose Season's Greetings Chunky

Paper: Stampin' Up Garden Green, tree scraps from Stampin' Up Distressed Gold, Gold Foil, Festive Foils, Peaceful Prints, Sweetest Christmas, and one of the early packs of dsp by color family


  1. The tree cover plate worked perfectly - great holiday card!

  2. This selection of trees looks wonderful! Fabulous Christmas card!

  3. Beautiful card! You used the colour palette very nicely! Thanks for playing at 52 CCT challange.

  4. You followed the desired colors beautifully. Thanks for joining us on the 52CCT challenge Goga


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