
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Copic Matches to Stampin' Up 2024 Colors

I am missing one Copic match to the new Stampin' Up 2024 in-colors (and Basic Biege) so have not updated the full chart yet.  It's Pretty in Pink. I figured I'd just go with the colors I used for the original Pretty in Pink but I was noticing people using a different Copic match that just happened to be one of a handful of colors that I don't own.  I've ordered it but it won't be here before I leave on vacation - so everything is delayed.  I'll give you my picks here and update the chart available on my sidebar when I'm back.

I also want you to know that my Copics are old. I don't think they are supposed to change but I think they might. I'm noticing some people using Copics that sure look like they match in their samples but when I use my same Copic, it's not right at all.  With that, I'm guessing some of you will feel the same way about my matches. Maybe it's old Copics, but it's also paper and ultimately what your eye sees.  So here's what I see...

Petunia Pop RV66

Peach Pie YR12

Summer Splash BG23

Shy Shamrock G03

Basic Beige W1 is grayer or E81 which is beiger

Pretty in Pink - my picks for the original Pretty in Pink were R81 but a better match is layering R11 and then R81.  What I'm seeing people use is RV21 and that's what I've ordered to check out.

I'm back from vacation on May 27th. RV21 should be in my mailbox by then and I'll update charts right away!

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