
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Winners for the FMS 500th sketch!

 Our week of celebration for the 500th sketch at Freshly Made Sketches is over and tomorrow we'll start fresh on sketch 501.  132 people played along with us on the FMS blog and the winners of the prize packages from our sponsors have been announced there.

I put together two packages of items from my not-yet-used stash.  I had pictures and described them on this post. I randomly selected two winners from the comments on my post - and here they are!

The Fun Package:

JoAnn from Crafty Nana's Blog

The Floral Package:

Anita from Stampin with Anita

Congrats!  And thank you for taking the time to comment!  

You can contact me using the form to the right - or email me at sing.email62 at gmail dot com. As soon as I get your address, I'll get a package right off to you!


  1. Wow, I just saw that I was one of your winners. So sorry it took me this long to reply. Thank you so much. I tried to email you but it wouldn't go through.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my card! I do get spam comments so your comment will be held until I read it and release it!