
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge: Hibiscus

It's time for a new challenge at the Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge: Hibiscus.

This is the second card this week done with my new oxide inks!!  (And there's one more tomorrow - I had lots of time to play last weekend!!)

CC Hibiscus

I did some simple stripes of various colors using the mini blender tool.  From top to bottom I used Spiced Marmalade, Worn Lipstick, Abandoned Coral, Candied Apple - these are every color in my collection that matches the hibiscus in the inspiration photo.

The oxide inks blend so smoothly.  I am truly in love.  As I mentioned yesterday, it's been quite awhile since I went all in with a new product - but these oxide inks are totally worth it.  And guess what?  Although I don't currently have them all, but the mailman will soon be bringing the rest to me!

I hope to see you playing along with this fabulous inspiration from Curtain Call.


These are all links to the Taylored Expressions store.  TE also carries Oxide Inks!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my card! I do get spam comments so your comment will be held until I read it and release it!