
Monday, March 27, 2017

Taylored Expressions Easter Treat Bags

I wanted to make some cute little Easter treats to take to Easter dinner for the young ones.  Although in all honesty, there's only one true young one in the extended family and she's already 9. But even though the other "kids" are 12, 17 and 21 - they are still getting cute Easter treat bags!

I pulled out Somebunny Loves You by Taylored Expressions because it's cute but I thought the silly animals might also work for these older "kids" (who probably just care about the candy anyway!).  I put them on the Bracket Notecard and then realized the "somebunny" sentiment that came with the set didn't fit in the space - so I pulled out Peek-a-Boo Easter which has the the same sentiment but in a slightly different shape and size.

Taylored Expressions Somebunny Loves You

I made the paper bows out of a feminine and masculine plaid and then, believe it or not, I carried the little bows to the store to match the candy.  That's a true sign of an obsessive a dedicated cardmaker!! (Sadly, after my pride in matching candy to bows subsided, I realized the flaw is that I actually have a child who doesn't do chocolate.  Ugh.  I need to carefully take apart one of the bags and then find non-chocolate matching candy!!)



  1. Okay...So I'm waaaay over 21, and would love to get one of these bags!! Your 'young' family members are going to love these sweet treat bags!! So fun that you color coordinated the treats, too! Bunny ears on a frog and chick... Absolutely adorable! : ) Bev

  2. Super cute Kim! Those little creatures are darling! What a great way to present some sweet treats!

  3. These are adorable!! I like things to match too and would have trucked the bows along with me to the store!!

  4. Adorable and I applaud your candy color matching!!


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