
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Watercoloring Info

I edited my previous post with some new information, but didn't want some of my earlier commentors to miss this info, so here it is again.

In the comments on my previous post, Betty Keefe recommends an online class at Craftsy done by Deepti - one of my all-time favorites cardmakers.  I don't know how I missed this class. 

(Sorry Deepti, I really do look at every post on your blog - obviously not carefully enough - or just not focused on learning to watercolor at the time.)  

In looking at the overview, it goes from basics to advanced.  I just watched the intro class and it would have saved me hours. She talks about paper, about mediums (she uses the Sakura Koi watercolors that I mentioned were turning out to be my favorites), she talks about brushes (soft brushes that hold water, just like I discovered in my hours of practice - but she likes Round Size 8 and then shows how to use that brush for various techniques), she even talks about the best palettes!  I haven't even gotten to the act of watercoloring yet and I am practically giddy (which is a word that someone of my age doesn't use very often)!!  I am settling in for more hours of watching and practicing and am beyond excited to learn from Deepti!!  

The class is half price right now (only $15 for hours of videos) - but even before watching, I would guarantee it's worth full price!!

Thank you Betty for pointing this out.

Thank you Deepti for the fabulous info!!


  1. Thanks for this info - I've been fooling around with it, but a little knowledge will hopefully help!

  2. Thanks, Kim!
    I just signed up for Deepti's class. I really appreciate your sharing and the helpful info. I agree, those backgrounds look so simple but they're not!

  3. hi kim - i am so glad you are pleased with that class - i haven't even finished watching all of it yet - went out and bought a couple of the brushes she recommended and what a difference - now to get to work on my merry monday card!!

  4. Love Deepti style, her colouring is always fantastic. Thanks for the heads up, off to check it out.

  5. Oh my goodness Kim !! You just made my day, thank you sooooooooo much for such kind words. It means a lot to me :) I am so honored that you did a special post only to inform about my class. Big shout out to Betty For her input on my class. Thank you soooo much and also thank you Cindy for joining in my class :) will catch you all up in the class.
    Right now... I want to float on Cloud 9 :D

  6. Why thank you!! I am off to look at this class!


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