
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Curtain Call Reminder: Tassels with Newton's NOok

Just a reminder that there is still time to play along with the challenge at the Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge: Totally Tassel.

Our sponsor for this challenge is Newton's Nook.  If you haven't followed Newton's Nook - Newton is a cat! When this challenge first came out (here's my post), I shared a picture of my two cats. Newton's Nook has a variety of stamps, but I always seem to come back to their cat sets.  In particular, I enjoy Naughty Newton.  Where else can you find stamps of a cat unrolling a roll of toilet paper, or a cat in a litter box!??  (I haven't had toilet paper on the roll for a decade.  It just sits on the counter. When I do put it back, say for an evening with friends, if I forget to take it off again - it will be completely unrolled.  I think my cats stalk all the bathrooms, every single day, for a decade, just in case the toilet paper happens to be on the roll!)

I didn't use the toilet paper or litter box stamps because I couldn't make them work with the colors and elegance of the tassels graphic.  But I could also relate to this stamp...

Messed Up with Newton's Nook

There is always stuff on my floor.  Sometimes it is very deliberate - I will watch a cat sit on the counter, and casually and methodically push various items off.  Other times it's just bull-headedness as a cat feels is is entitled to be somewhere where there simply isn't room, and as it pushes its way through, stuff gets displaced.  I've actually experienced broken flower pots, although wine glasses on the coffee table are a bigger deal in my house.

I used those little banners to give a nod to the tassel theme of the challenge.  

I hope you are playing along - there's a gift certificate to Newton's Nook up for grabs to a randomly selected participant!



  1. Love the colors on this one Kim, such a cute card!

  2. Very sweet card, Kim. Love the bit of dp on the left side, and your 'tassels.' NN stamps are marvelous, aren't they?! Not only are they cute, but they're also a great quality. Btw...your coloring is amazing! Love this.Bev

  3. What a sweet card Kim. Love the darling image... fantastic coloring... cute banner/tassel.

  4. I'm totally laughing over here! I think your kitties are naughtier than Newton! Love your card today! Such pretty coloring!

  5. This is fabulous, Kim. Adore that kitty. Our kitty has never touched the toilet paper - seems we are lucky LOL! Give your >^..^< a snuggel from me!


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