
Friday, April 27, 2012

Dynamic Duos!

Bogey and Bacall
Lucy and Ricky
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Tom and Jerry
Chips and Dip
Simon and Garfunkel
Milk and Cookies
Rhett and Scarlett
Ben and Jerry
Batman and Robin

All dynamic duos!!

And now we have a new Dynamic Duo!  I am happy to announce a new challenge blog with the first challenge going live on May 5th!  And I am thrilled to announce that I am on the design team!

Check out this amazing group of designers with whom I am honored to be working...

So...what is the dynamic duo challenge?

Each Saturday we are going to highlight a "Dynamic Duo" colour combo to inspire you.  Any type of project is welcome to be entered...scrapbook pages, cards, crafts, digital projects...

The challenge is divided into weekly "themes"...
Week 1-Bold and Sassy-bright, happy colours
Week 2-Subtly Yours-soft, romantic colours
Week 3-Black Tie-one colour plus black and a dessert option
Week 4-Monochromatic-same colours in different hues (light/dark)
Week 5-Mix and Match-we choose one colour and you add the other colour to ours to create your own "Dynamic Duo".

Here is the Dynamic Duo Schedule:
Saturday- A New Dynamic Duo is Announced.
Thursday-Our challenge ends at Noon (PDT).
Friday-Winners are announced.

If that's not enough to get you excited, let me tell you about the creator of this challenge - the talented and extremely organized  Lesley Croghan. Lesley is already the creator of The Paper Players and Freshly Made Sketches, plus she hosts the Merry Monday challenge on her own blog - Always Playing with Paper.  This lady knows what she is doing!!  And I know that Dynamic Duos will be as fun, as organized and as creative as all of her other endeavors.  Thanks Lesley!!

Mark your calendars - check back on May 5th for the first color combo!!


  1. Kim, you should have seen the smile that appeared on my face when I read your name on the team list! Your talented work is such an inspiration to me and I am so excited to get to work with you on Lesley's new challenge blog!! :)

  2. Oooh! Congratulations Kim! I look forward to seeing this new challenge. I agree. Lesley is amazing.

  3. Hi Kim it's your fellow Dynamo Lisa here! Big CONGRATS to you! I am so excited to be part of this new challenge and look forward to working with you on the team!!

  4. Yippee!! So excited to be working with you Kim! Thanks for your kind words {blush}, you made my day.

  5. Congrats Kim so HAPPY for you! Can't wait to play along!!!

  6. Congrats Kim so HAPPY for you! Can't wait to play along!!!

  7. Big congrats Kim! Sounds like great fun. xx

  8. Kim, I'm excited to be creating with you on DD!

  9. You will be a fabulous addition to the team! Can't wait to see the new designs!

  10. I almost applied for this team ... but was being realistic about my responsibilites and time constraints! I would have LOVED to been on the team with you my friend ... but hope to be a regular participator ... because I just LOVE duo colour combos! Can't wait to see the first challenge! Hugs xxx

  11. Congratulations Kim! I recognize a lot of names on that list .. all spectacular designers. Have fun!!

  12. Hi Kim, Looking forward to joining you on the Dynamic Duos design team. Congratulations!

  13. Hi DT fellow!
    Congrats to you!
    I am so happy to creating with you for Dynamic Duos!

  14. Oh so pleased for you Kim.... What an all star cast, yourself included of course :0)
    This will be a challenge to add to my Chronicle app *wink* :0)
    Jenny x

  15. Hi Kim! You already know I am a fan so I won't gush all over the place! SO excited to be on the Dynamic Duos DT with you! Big hugs! :)


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